Ages 12 to 99+

Who’s your target market? I always answered that questions saying, “Star” fans (Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, etc). I found out this is called Soft Science Fiction. Specifically:Star Trek fans will love General Jones. He might remind you of a Vulcan as he is very logical.Star Wars fans will love “The Force” likeContinue reading “Ages 12 to 99+”

How to get FREE BOOKS!

Free books are always available, you just have to know where to look. Mailing List Signups / Reader Magnets These are usually shorter stories written to get you to sign up for their mailing list. You have the option to unsubscribe, so it’s a good deal. These can be prequels or first chapters, and areContinue reading “How to get FREE BOOKS!”

May the 4th be with you!

The Force has made a big impact on my life and maybe yours as well. How many times have you tried to move an object with it? In Episode 1, we find that The Force does more than just move objects. Qui-gon says, “Just relax, the Force will guide us.” May your gut instincts beContinue reading “May the 4th be with you!”

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