How to get FREE BOOKS!

Free books are always available, you just have to know where to look. Mailing List Signups / Reader Magnets These are usually shorter stories written to get you to sign up for their mailing list. You have the option to unsubscribe, so it’s a good deal. These can be prequels or first chapters, and areContinue reading “How to get FREE BOOKS!”

May the 4th be with you!

The Force has made a big impact on my life and maybe yours as well. How many times have you tried to move an object with it? In Episode 1, we find that The Force does more than just move objects. Qui-gon says, “Just relax, the Force will guide us.” May your gut instincts beContinue reading “May the 4th be with you!”

What is Earth’s Secret Alliance?

E.S.A. is kinda like Star Trek meets Star Wars meets Stargate meets The Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it’s nothing like them. Sure, there are similarities, but I just wrote the stories that were in my head, and if they came too close to one of those, then I changed it. As the title implies, likeContinue reading “What is Earth’s Secret Alliance?”

What is your favorite Star Wars movie or series?

I am a BIG Star Wars fan. I have spent many hours trying to levitate objects with The Force! Unsuccessfully, of course, but none the less, it changed my life. In my stories, there is a different type of force. It’ doesn’t move objects, but it does guide the characters. Other posts you might like: